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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The key facts about Alzheimer's disease

By Finley Griffin

Alzheimers disease is a form of dementia commonly found in people over 65 years old. Symptoms include memory loss, confusion, aggressive behavior and a deterioration of language skills. At this time there is no known cure and the cause is still questionable, with various theories such as Aluminium in the diet still being tested.

As this disease progresses, caregivers are necessary for patients suffering with Alzheimers disease. Relatives that take on this role often find themselves watching out for uncharacteristic movements that can be dangerous or harmful. The simplest of chores such as cleaning, cooking or even getting dressed can have devastating results. You have to be prepared for the patient not to recognise you, even though they have known you all their life and you gave them a bath three hours ago...

Loved ones cannot always bear to watch someone who they admire slowly begin to deteriorate. Education and support is key in learning how to deal with emotions and prevent burnout. There are many challenges in taking on the role of carer for someone with Alzheimers disease.

Examples include overwhelming emotions as the loved one's capabilities lessen. Isolation from an active world can bring on loneliness and despair. Remember, you will not be able to pick up and leave if someone calls, you are stuck there unless you have an alternate carer. Mental and physical fatigue increases as more work is needed. The financial burden may become unbearable and resources challenged.

Alzheimer's nursing homes are becoming a widespread option for such burdens. While it is difficult to make this type of decision, this could be a better option than home care. Trained personnel that understand behavioral changes can provide care 24 hours a day. A structured environment is also a healthy way for patients to feel comfortable. The latest medical techniques can provide a patient with longer faculties.

Programs designed for each diagnosed patient are available at fine alzheimer's nursing homes. Keeping the brain stimulated according to the progress of the disease is imperative. This provides the individual with a feeling of awareness and self-functioning and slows the impact of symptoms on their mental wellbeing.

Selecting the best care facility for your relative is important. Start with a list of recommended homes by organizations that represent Alzheimers disease. Check out the quality scores from a list of three or four that appear to be top-notch. Ask for a tour and find out what type of care is provided. Sit in on a few social activities and watch how the staff interact with the patients.

There are many excellent Alzheimers nursing homes that are designed to bring the best care to those afflicted with Alzheimers disease. By weighing the pros and cons of caring for a loved one in your home or placing in a care home, you can decide what is feasible. Perhaps you have a career that will have to be abandoned. Health problems of your own may cause you to wonder if you are physically up to the job. Guilt should not be a reason for keeping a relative at home when another course will be better not only for you but for the patient.

Sit down with your family and write down the good points and the bad points of looking at Alzheimers nursing homes. If you find that this method is the best for everyone, start looking for the best in your area. Visiting often and staying active in a loved one's life is far more rewarding than taking on a challenge that cannot be completed.

For more information please see

1 comment:

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