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Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is Sinusitis and How is Sinusitus Treated?

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Located behind the bones of the face are hollow spaces filled with air. These hollow spaces are the sinuses and they act as a passage between the nasal cavity and the nostrils. They delay the passage of air and route it so that odors can be detected and they act as an air intake filter.

So what is sinusitis? Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the sinuses. Common symptoms include pain or pressure in the face, nasal obstruction or blockage, and a thick post-nasal drip. Those suffering from sinusitis may also experience headaches, a fever, or feel fatigued.

Treating Sinusitis and treating the pain that can be a symptom of sinusitis are often two different matters. Sinus pain can be severe and in some cases even temporarily debilitating. Methods of treating this pain include over-the-counter pain relievers (especially NSAIDS, as they act as an anti inflammatory as well as a pain reliever), heat applied to the area, steam with or without a medicated balsam, and facial massage.

Drinking warm herbal tea with eucalyptus also peppermint tea with lemon and honey works well in decongesting your swollen nasal membranes. Getting enough fluids is important, but especially warm liquids as they help to loosen and thin out the mucus.

Sinus problems seem to affect everyone these days. Many try to relieve the headache pressure by using very warm cloths over the eyes. Another remedy would be the use of a saline solution in the nose, this is especially a traditional treatment everywhere from India Eastwards where special jugs with long thin spouts are sold to aid washing the inside of the nose.

Nasal Irrigation Video

Now these things may give relief briefly, in fact regular washing may prevent sinusitis. However, we know that sinus infections are caused by viruses, bacteria and especially fungi growing inside of our sinuses. One thing that may pop into our mind is to sign up for sinus surgery.

There are many other remedies available to one suffering from sinus trouble. First of all its important to stay in a place where plenty of fresh air is available. The rooms where one stays should not be too cool or too warm. It is also important to undertake regular exercises so as to keep the body healthy. It is important to take plenty of cool liquids like water and fruit juices and to avoid alcohol intake or take it moderately. Inhaling hot water vapor is a welcome remedy so is being in hot compresses, saunas and even steam rooms.

Your doctor can take a nasal swab and get it tested to look for bacterial or fungal attack. He may prescribe anti-biotics or ant-fungal medications accordingly. If you have black mould in your home this is a notorious source of fungal infection in the sinuses. Fungal infection is very difficult to get rid of because if it has been in place long enough (2-3 days) to start dropping spores, although the fungus may be destroyed its spores which are much tougher will germinate again in another 10-14 days.

Better yet, a more natural potential solution to Sinusitis that doesn't involve chemical drugs is Sinuvil - a safe and natural remedy that fights the root of Sinusitis as opposed to just the symptoms alone. Sinuvil can be used for either Acute Sinusitis or Chronic Sinusitis. You're more than likely to experience a natural boost in your immune system, thus your health will improve much quicker.

Find out more about Building immunity against sinusitis. Stop by a website where you can read all about Sinus and Allergy Induced Tinnitus 

What is the Kissing Disease, or Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis is a viral infection which effects your white blood cells. The virus is often called the kissing disease and has been active in the population for several hundred years. The virus is contracted through saliva. The use of sharing utensils, glasses, or lipstick can spread saliva born viruses as well as kissing.

Some of the symptoms are fatigue, headache, sore throat and possibly pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. The part of the abdomen is your spleen, which filters your blood that contains the virus. You may notice when it is hard to swallow, the virus may affect your lymph glands.

Simple blood tests are used to test for this virus. When the doctor sees white spots in your throat and he feels an enlargement of your spleen or lymph glands he will order several natural solutions that will assist on your road to recovery. Recovery will be different for each patient. This is a virus and does not respond well to antibiotics.

In some cases of mononucleosis after two or three days in addition to flu-like symptoms a patient may experience more severe conditions such as swollen lymph nodes, a sudden appearance of jaundice (a person's skin and eyes turn yellowish). Sometimes one of the symptoms of mononucleosis is the appearance of little red spots that resemble bruises and appear in the mouth area. Abdominal pain is also not uncommon for mononucleosis patients. Occasionally a measles-like rash can appear on a person's face or body. Some later symptoms of mononucleosis may include cough, stiff neck, nosebleed, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

Drinking a cup of apple cider vinegar and honey can be helpful in the treatment of mononucleosis. The acidity of the apple cider vinegar will flush away toxins and cleanse the back of the throat while honey acts as a lubricant to provide sore throat relief. Drinking frequently as needed will ease the pain and accelerate recovery. This specific treatment of mononucleosis is excellent for providing an immediate remedy to this problem.

Some of the other self mononucleosis treatments include throat lozenges and gargling with warm water so that you can soothe your throat. You need to make sure that you do not become dehydrated and that you are constantly drinking fluids. Exactly how sick you are will determine the amount of rest that you are going to need. If you are very sick, then you should not do anything that involves cardiovascular exercise. One of the worst things that you can do is to go out and play some sort of contact sport.

The doctor that you go to see may offer some Corticosteroids. This medication is only used as a form of mononucleosis treatments in rare cases of the disease. For instance airway obstruction or hemolytic anemia. Antibiotics are never used as a mononucleosis treatment. It is very rare to be hospitalised for the disease and the majority of the time, the only mononucleosis treatments are things that you can do are the self treatments

For the treatment of prolonged fatigue, individuals should relax in warm bath containing bergamot, eucalyptus, and lavender oils. The extracts containing these oils possess naturally soothing elements and help to rejuvenate the body. Aches and pains generated from the disease will be reduced by this daily practice. If you are off work it is important to stick to a daily routine, write it down.

Want to find out more info about mononucleosis rash - Infectious mononucleosis or the kissing disease, then read more about Infectious Mononucleosis diagnosis on line.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are you overlooking Protein?

By Bill Wakemann

Protein is important for life and health. Protein is derived from amino acids and is an ingredient of many substances vital for human existence. Our our bodies are made up first of water second of protein. Protein makes up the connective tissue found in our pores and skin hair and nails. Protein makes up our collagen and elastin and is responsible for muscle contraction.

Enzymes are proteins that enable the body to carry out such functions as digestion and blood coagulation. Proteins make peptide hormones, which control many body features such as the metabolism of insulin, glucagon, parathyroid hormones and thyroid hormones. Proteins make up antibodies that help us fight foreign viruses and micro organisms that enter the body. I hope that gives you some thought about the immense significance of protein. Protein has to be a major part of our every day diet.
Protein Drink Ingredients, click to enlarge

Although protein can be present in other food groups, like dried beans, nuts and cheese, meat is essentially the most complete source of protein. This consists of poultry, fish, red meat, eggs and seafood. Soybeans are usually not complete proteins. They lack sure amino acids which are needed for the body to make some of those substances listed above. They are a fairly new type of food and are processed with chemicals that could possibly be dangerous. Soybeans can actually interfere with thyroid hormones resulting in decreased thyroid function.

We often on this country eat much more protein than our bodies need. Portion dimension has elevated dramatically over the years. There are various components that might increase or lower the quantity of protein obligatory nevertheless, for the common grownup 50g. of protein per day ought to be sufficient for somebody who exercises little. As much as 250g a day would be recommended for a serious bodybuilder. Typically 1 oz. of meat, cheese, poultry or fish is equivalent to 7g. of protein.

When possible choose lean or very lean meats. As an alternative to frying meats try baking, roasting, broiling, or grilling. It's a good idea to trim the seen fats before and after cooking. You could wish to place your meat on a rack to drain the fat during cooking. There is plenty of popular cookware and grill equipment available right this moment that can assist you accomplish this. If you're not sure if your body is getting sufficient protein or is handling protein properly, there are tests out there similar to hair analysis that may help decide if you're getting sufficient levels.

A vegetarian weight loss plan doesn't at all times adequately provide the amount of protein crucial for optimal body function. If following such a eating regimen, be sure that you're getting the appropriate quantity of protein needed for optimum health. The vegetarian eating regimen requires very careful meals and food combining techniques to ensure that you are getting satisfactory levels. In the case where your physique is not be getting sufficient protein it will take it from other areas of the body such as muscles.

Organic super green food can take your energy and vitality to the next level. Boost your immune system with all natural super green foods.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Panic Attack! Some Little Known Secrets That Really Work

Panic attacks and nervous disorders have become common today: with all the many worry-causing stress factors in your life, it's really not a surprise that you would have one as well. As a matter of fact, many people who have hectic schedules really experience these types of disorders at least once in their lives. Even those people who are not under extreme stresses also can feel extreme apprehension or panic over the smallest things.

The questions people ask are typically about how to put panic in its place and how they could free themselves of anxiety once and for all. To find out how this disorder can be cured, you must know that having this kind of condition is not something that you should be ashamed of, or indeed panic about.

Panic attacks are common to everyone, although some victims might not really experience it to the full extent. If yours is on the extreme level, do not worry too much, as it clearly is just an anomaly in your body systems that are usually fixed with the proper application of the various cures available.

We all experience instances that we believe we cannot handle, nevertheless for you to think of such things to be more painful than they are can trigger extreme anxiety attacks. For example, if you are worried about job interview, thinking it would not turn out well, then you would be more prone to a panic attack, and that would surely not be the best thing particularly when you are on the actual interview.

Here are a few things simple things that really work!

Everyone is trying to sell you something. Check out the latest pill, the latest drug, and so on. Well, much of that stuff is somewhat about as useful as snake oil in the long run. What I am here to do is to cut all the crap that doesn't work.

Firstly diet, some foods and drinks that are stimulants are known for causing twitchiness, as or course are some recreational drugs. Cut them out of your life. If you drink coffee, cut down or avoid it. As far as diet is concern, you will need more protein and more fruits and veggies to produce your neurotransmitters. Ultimately, you can't get a healthy brain without an exercise program. Two or three regular sized alcoholic drinks a day are fine but don't over do it.

Secondly keep your mind active and away from whatever thoughts you feel cause your panicky feelings. Take up a hobby to keep your brain active, start blogging using blogger, or begin reading a lot, whatever. Although we don't HAVE the attacks when we are at peace and alone, its often then that our brains set us up for having them by thinking what if.... Dont let it!

Thirdly if you get a panic attack, which is often a runaway body reaction involving adrenaline there is a well tried cure. Simply take a paper bag, or even your own cupped hands in an emergency, and breath out into it and then back in, so that you are re-breathing mostly your own breath. The high levels of carbon dioxide force your body to cut back on adrenaline production and control your attack. As an added benefit you will find out if you really have halitosis!

Fourthly after a panic attack try to figure out what caused it, or made it worse and avoid those things if possible in the future. Sometimes if environmental things are the cause like claustrophobia or agoraphobia then hypnosis may be a good treatment.

Fifthly educate yourself. Look at websites such as the Panic Away Website and do other online research. Read stories of others who have had panic attacks and how they have dealt with and overcome them.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Birth Control the Natural Way

By Rick East

Natural birth control is among the most well-liked options of couples who are into family planning. Many people are allergic to latex used in condoms, or sometimes to the lubricant and methods like the coil are not one hundred percent. Many women do not like the side effects of birth control pills or simply do not take any sort of drug. Then of course there are religious considerations as artificial birth control is frowned upon by many religions.

So long as you are faithful to each other natural birth control is among the safest options in terms of health. However you must realise it cannot be 100 % effective since it relies on the human body and brain both of which are distinctly unreliable! For people that are getting ready to use natural birth control as a means of family planning, they should understand that this birth control option cannot work for everyone, especially with those who have busy and erratic schedule.

Couples have to grasp that though natural birth control will have no side-effects, the utmost commitment and attention should be given for it to work.

Natural birth control options

When you have made a decision to get into a natural method of family planning, it is best that the couple is educated about the options they can take.Being educated implies that the couple has enough knowledge of the advantages and drawbacks of their options and will help them decide which one will truly work for them:

The following are some of the natural birth options couples who would like to use natural family planning can select from:

1. The Standard Days Technique. This is regarded as the most recent kind of natural birth control options out there. The Standard Days Strategy or SDM can help couples to determine their fertility schedules. SDM can be employed by tracking the length of the menstrual cycle and know when the 8th and 19th, the days when the lady is most likely  to be fertile should happen. Once these days have been determined, total avoidance should be practiced to ensure that no pregnancy will occur.

2. The CycleBeads Methodology. This strategy is closely-associated with Standard Days Strategy only that it uses a tool to mark fertility and menstrual dates. This specific tool being utilized in this strategy is named the "CycleBeads," a necklace with 32 color-coded beads in it. Attached is a ring made from rubber which is placed round the beads to mark the day the girl has the menstrual cycle. But this natural birth control option isn't for everybody.Only girls who have regular menstruation cycles can use this method because they have a longer period of defined low fertility levels.

3. The Ovulation Technique. Also called as the "cervical mucus method," this natural birth control option is known to be effective but not to all ladies in particular those that are not confident or willing enough to check their cervical mucus continually. Here, no pregnancy will happen once there isn't any cervical mucus present because no place for ovulation should be available. Ladies can check the cervical mucus by using their fingers, wiping a tissue on the opening of the vagina to test some mucus or by wearing a liner in the underclothes to check for the presence of the mucus. If there's a presence of sticky and stretchy mucus, it indicates that there'll be ovulation in the approaching days so sexual relations should be prohibited.

Other natural birth control options available include the "Rhythm or Calendar Method," the "Sympto-thermal Method," and the "Basal Body Temperature Method." There are ovulation calculators online that may help establish when you're ovulating.

As in using other birth control methods, it is generally best to get the opinion of doctors to ensure the health of both partners.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Some Facts About Drug Rehab Centers

By Jess Romain

Adults are not the only group of people who are suffering from addictions but also teens and young adults. Parents are obliged to take care of their children and find trusted drug rehab centers. Through the use of skilled nurses, counselors, complete facilities, and good environment, your child can overcome his or her addiction. Always remember that controlling a particular addition is difficult especially when it has become a strongly entrenched and reinforced habit.

Using a rehab center can be a huge sacrifice for parents as you will be separated from your child, most likely you will not be allowed to see them or communicate with them for a month or so. However, only through this process can patients survive life and start a new day drug free. Rehabilitation is not an easy route and most medical experts recognize this as a fact.

Drug Rehab (video)

Overcoming strong addictions to alcohol or more serious drugs can only be done with isolation, personalized attention, and proper treatment. Psychologists must help the patient to understand his or her situation, cope with the problem, motivate them, and therefore successfully change their lifestyle and mind set.

Remember that the initial stages of recovery and overcoming addiction are extremely stressful, not just for the patient, but for all those surrounding him or her. For somebody who is not professionally used to dealing with a drug addict on withdrawal the symptoms can be quite shocking. A close relative especially would feel the need to help them, and this is why its best to use a rehab center.

The duration of the treatment will basically depend on the severity of the addiction and the level of patient cooperation. Some might stay for few months while others will have to stay for years. Pressuring the patient will not help in overcoming the problem but will actually make it worse. So it is best to consider rehab as a long term solution.

Patients in the best rehab centers are encouraged to find their inner strength, build or rebuild their own belief system, and regain their ambitions. They have to believe to their selves to cope effectively with the problem.

Friends and families must come together to give them emotional support. The success of this treatment is impressively high. Families are guaranteed that the patient will go home safe, confident, happy, and fully recovered.

Make sure to conduct a background check of your chosen institution to ensure good quality medical services. Try to talk to a patient who has been successfully treated there. Make a comparison of reliability, experience of counselors and service charges to obtain great deals.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The key facts about Alzheimer's disease

By Finley Griffin

Alzheimers disease is a form of dementia commonly found in people over 65 years old. Symptoms include memory loss, confusion, aggressive behavior and a deterioration of language skills. At this time there is no known cure and the cause is still questionable, with various theories such as Aluminium in the diet still being tested.

As this disease progresses, caregivers are necessary for patients suffering with Alzheimers disease. Relatives that take on this role often find themselves watching out for uncharacteristic movements that can be dangerous or harmful. The simplest of chores such as cleaning, cooking or even getting dressed can have devastating results. You have to be prepared for the patient not to recognise you, even though they have known you all their life and you gave them a bath three hours ago...

Loved ones cannot always bear to watch someone who they admire slowly begin to deteriorate. Education and support is key in learning how to deal with emotions and prevent burnout. There are many challenges in taking on the role of carer for someone with Alzheimers disease.

Examples include overwhelming emotions as the loved one's capabilities lessen. Isolation from an active world can bring on loneliness and despair. Remember, you will not be able to pick up and leave if someone calls, you are stuck there unless you have an alternate carer. Mental and physical fatigue increases as more work is needed. The financial burden may become unbearable and resources challenged.

Alzheimer's nursing homes are becoming a widespread option for such burdens. While it is difficult to make this type of decision, this could be a better option than home care. Trained personnel that understand behavioral changes can provide care 24 hours a day. A structured environment is also a healthy way for patients to feel comfortable. The latest medical techniques can provide a patient with longer faculties.

Programs designed for each diagnosed patient are available at fine alzheimer's nursing homes. Keeping the brain stimulated according to the progress of the disease is imperative. This provides the individual with a feeling of awareness and self-functioning and slows the impact of symptoms on their mental wellbeing.

Selecting the best care facility for your relative is important. Start with a list of recommended homes by organizations that represent Alzheimers disease. Check out the quality scores from a list of three or four that appear to be top-notch. Ask for a tour and find out what type of care is provided. Sit in on a few social activities and watch how the staff interact with the patients.

There are many excellent Alzheimers nursing homes that are designed to bring the best care to those afflicted with Alzheimers disease. By weighing the pros and cons of caring for a loved one in your home or placing in a care home, you can decide what is feasible. Perhaps you have a career that will have to be abandoned. Health problems of your own may cause you to wonder if you are physically up to the job. Guilt should not be a reason for keeping a relative at home when another course will be better not only for you but for the patient.

Sit down with your family and write down the good points and the bad points of looking at Alzheimers nursing homes. If you find that this method is the best for everyone, start looking for the best in your area. Visiting often and staying active in a loved one's life is far more rewarding than taking on a challenge that cannot be completed.

For more information please see